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Case Study

Property search web app



  • Perfect Properties is a web app for beginner investors to search for investment properties

  • Part of the challenge was to give users comprehensive information, while also providing a very user-friendly experience that would not be intimidating to small-scale new investors​

  • This was made as part of a UI specialization for my Immersive UX Design Course, and a project brief was included 

What I did

  • Created a design system including icons, typography, and color palette

  • Created prototypes and wireframes from low-fidelity stage to high-fidelity.

Competitive Analysis

  • I started by checking out popular real estate platforms both on mobile and on desktop

  • Some of my main focuses were to take a look at

    • Overall layout

    • Filtering experience

    • Home page

    • Saving features

  • Some key takeaways:

    • There was a lack of a home screen that felt like a home-base dashboard where you could see recently viewed properties or saved properties 

    • Many navigation bars didn't have a "home" button/icon but instead, the default screen was the search feature
    • Many used the map screen as the main home screen, which isn't particularly useful as a starting point, and could be overwhelming to users ​

competiro logos@2x.png

User Personas

  • This persona reflects one of the main use cases: middle-aged people who have been interested in property investing for a while but need a simple and easy tool to search and save

  • Keeping Diane in mind helped inform decisions throughout the design process 

Diane persona.jpg

Initial sketches and ideation

After taking a close look at what existed, I hit my notebook to mark down some initial ideas and sketches to begin thinking through screens and user flows related to filtering searches, and viewing properties. 


Mid-fidelity wireframes

Taking into consideration the project brief, existing real estate apps, as well as conversations with some other designers and some users of real estate apps, I began working on the first digital wireframes in Sketch.

v1 wireframes.png


After showing initial wireframes to users I found:

  • Some did not like the way of choosing property types​

  • People would rather scroll through photos vertically than clicking through slides horizontally

  • People appreciate a home screen that is useful but not busy 


  • I searched for inspiration and referenced the project brief to create two mood board options that aimed to capture the appropriate imagery to use, colors, tone, and font

  • I ultimately went with #1 because:

    • The use of red on #2 did not fit with the professional yet peaceful tone that would help provide a comfortable app experience

    • Talking to people about what they expect from a property search app revealed that illustrations and cartoons made it feel less real and seemed a little gimmicky, whereas the real photographs made it feel more professional 

Moodboard #1

Moodboard 1 Copy 4.png

Moodboard #2

Moodboard 1 Copy 2.png

Style Guide

Then I applied these themes to the wireframes and created the ever-evolving style guide which included:

  • Typography​

  • Colors

  • Button Design

  • Icons

  • User Input

Style Guide.jpg

Second iteration of wireframes

All of my findings along with the moodboard and style guide informed the iteration of the wireframes, leading to the versions below

v2 wireframes.png

Final mockups and wireframes

With feedback from users as well as some designers, some changes were made in the color palette and button hierarchy and led to the final mockups below

Artboard Copy 7.png
Artboard Copy 16.png

Still to come

  • Animation

Thanks for viewing!

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